Minimal capacity for (fossile-fuel) private flights from 2026

Minimal capacity for private flights on fossile fuels as from 1 January 2026

Private flights have a relatively large noise and CO2 footprint per passenger and only marginally meet our region’s mobility needs. In addition, an exceptional position in the slot allocation for this type of air traffic is no longer possible at Eindhoven Airport, which is dominated by large-scale commercial traffic. This results in a minimal capacity for private flights at Eindhoven Airport as from 2026. If opportunities arise for sustainable small-plane aviation (such as electric flying) that adds value to the region, we would want to facilitate that.

How many and what type of small air traffic flights will Eindhoven Airport still facilitate from 2026? We will retain approximately 500 flight movements per calendar year for social air traffic such as medical flights (ambulance flights) and for testing small sustainable air traffic that adds value to the region.

What does this decision mean for the accessibility of Brainport/attractiveness for businesses?

The number of business flights at Eindhoven Airport is very limited via private flights. So the effect for the accessibility of Brainport is minimal. The business traveler mainly travels via large commercial traffic.