Maximum 40,500 flights per year, standards for noise
Capping the number of flights at 40,500 per year in 2026 and 2027. Monitoring according to noise standards instead of the number of flights as from 2028
Pieter van Geel’s new management model is based on monitoring according to a predetermined standard for air traffic noise exposure. Monitoring the number of aircraft movements, as is currently done, ceases to apply in this management model. Besides monitoring according to a noise exposure standard, Eindhoven Airport will still monitor the number of aircraft movements in 2026 and 2027. We will not reallocate the capacity freed up from having no private flights to large commercial traffic. This will reduce the number of aircraft movements in 2026 and 2027 from the current 41,500 to 40,500 per year. We will keep part of the capacity (500 flights a year) available for social traffic (such as medical flights and test flights for sustainable, small-plane aviation).
How much quieter will it be in the vicinity of Eindhoven Airport if there are 1,000 fewer flights per year in 2026 and 2027? And how much less CO2 emissions will that save? And what about in 2028 if noise is controlled?
Eliminating much of the small traffic means about 3% noise reduction. It also saves a few percent in CO2 emissions. If, as of 2028, noise-based management were to be introduced instead of the number of flight movements and there were to be room for limited growth in flight movements, this would only be possible if we remain within the noise standards and within any other limiting conditions that may apply to us, such as a CO2 ceiling.