

Eindhoven Airport and REMONDIS go for reuse and recycling of all waste

All waste at Eindhoven Airport will be reused or recycled in 2030 and no more waste will be burned. This is the main task that REMONDIS Netherlands, waste processing, recycling and sewage service and the airport will be working on in the coming period. Eindhoven Airport and REMONDIS recently signed a seven-year contract that takes effect from June.

In 2022, 44 percent of waste was reused or recycled. To reuse or recycle all waste in the future, the airport is going to separate even better at the source. REMONDIS is going to post-separate and will use innovative techniques to reuse or recycle waste. For example, REMONDIS has a recycling plant that will allow waste to be better post-separated and a machine will be used to turn organic waste into dry compost. In 2022, a total of 851 tons of waste was released at Eindhoven Airport. Of this, 583 tons was residual waste (68 percent). REMONDIS aims to reduce the amount of residual waste annually by an average of 10 percent.

Because waste from Eindhoven Airport will soon no longer be incinerated, CO2 emissions will fall to zero by 2030. REMONDIS uses a dashboard to provide insight into the gradual decrease in CO2 emissions. During the contract period, the airport steers for optimization of waste processing through interim targets and performance agreements. In addition, REMONDIS ensures that support for reuse and recycling is increased among employees, partners and passengers. The company does this by communicating visually in various ways, deploying waste coaches and advising in new waste separation units.