

At least 20,000 passengers daily in (period around) May holidays

Eindhoven Airport is getting ready for the May vacations. The airport expects some 20,000 to 24,000 passengers a day (departing and arriving passengers added together) in the May vacation period. For many-and so for the airport-the May vacation lasts longer than the official May holiday week from Saturday, April 27 to Sunday, May 5. The busiest days at the airport are Fridays, Sundays and Mondays.   

In and around the May vacations, some 150,000 passengers travel to or from Eindhoven Airport each week (arriving and departing passengers added up). In the week from Monday, April 29 to May 5, Eindhoven Airport expects 431 departing flights (about 61 per day). That number is 420 departing flights (60 per day) in the week before and 435 departing flights (about 62 per day) in the week after the official May vacation. This puts the number of flights at the same level as last year in/around the May vacation. 

Eindhoven Airport advises passengers to check in online with the airline in advance of their flight and to reserve a free time slot for the security check via the Eindhoven Airport website. Furthermore, the airport advises travelers to be present at the airport at least two hours before flight departure. Check this with the airline company anyway. Come and book a parking space online in advance through the airport's site. The terminal opens at 4:30 am. From that time on, security screening is also open. More tips on how to travel prepared can be found on the site.