Everything about liquids in your hand luggage

Carrying liquids in your hand luggage is subject to a number of specific rules that apply to all airports within the European Union. Read here what and how liquids you are allowed to bring in your carry-on luggage.

Listing the rules

As of September 1, 2024, it will no longer be allowed to bring liquids in containers larger than 100 ml in your carry-on luggage. Liquids in containers up to 100 ml are still permitted in your carry-on. Smaller containers or containers that have been opened are also allowed. If you use a refillable container, ensure that the maximum capacity in milliliters is clearly marked on it.

We kindly ask you to place these liquids in a clear, resealable 1-liter plastic bag. Each person is allowed one bag. Your bag containing liquids may be removed from your hand luggage at the security checkpoint. To avoid having to surrender your liquids, pack them in your checked baggage. Note: security employees can always refuse an item for security reasons.

You may bring water bottles in your carry-on luggage, but please ensure they are empty before going through the security check.

Medication, Baby Food and Diet Supplements

If you need essential medication or dietary foods during the flight, then these are allowed. You can prove these are essential by means of a doctor's note.

For these items the 100ml restriction does not apply. However, these liquids may be subject to additional screening. To ensure the security check goes as smoothly as possible, we advise you to remove containers of medications, dietary products, and/or baby food larger than 100ml from your carry-on luggage and present them separately for inspection.

Water required for preparing baby food is allowed in hand luggage (when traveling with a baby), even if it exceeds 100ml.

More information?

If you doubt if a product or item may be carried on board as hand luggage, then please check the list of prohibited hand luggage items, which is drawn up by the EU.

Associated documents

List of prohibited hand luggage items

Check out the List of prohibited hand luggage items
