Assistence process

Check here our videos on our assistance service

Wondering what to expect from our assistance services? In the videos below, you will find step-by-step how our assistance works. You can choose to watch the entire process in one video or a video per section, depending on what you want to know more about.

1. Requesting assistance

Book your assistance at least 48 hours before the departure of your flight via your airline or travel agency. We will ensure assistance is ready for you.

2. To the airport

We have ample disabled parking spaces at P1, P3 and P4. It is also possible to get to Eindhoven Airport by taxi or bus. It is possible to be picked up by our assistant from these locations. To do so, please report to the assistance callpoints.

3. Check in

Our assistant will help you check in and drop off your baggage. Please also indicate whether you are travelling with your own wheelchair or walker. How you want to be assisted is entirely up to you.

4. Through the security check

Our assistant will help you go through the security check. Your baggage, medical aids and documentation will also be checked here.

5. Boarding

We will make sure you are taken to the right gate on time. You will be assisted to the aircraft via the walkways on the apron. When requesting assistance, please indicate if you would like to be helped on board with a lift.

6. Arrival at Eindhoven Airport

Once your plane has landed, our staff will be waiting to assist you. Please note: construction work is currently taking place atEindhoven Airport to expand the terminal. As a result, you may have to climb stairs or take a longer route upon arrival. Do you have limited mobility? Then we advise you to request assistance at your airline.

7. Assistance process at departure

Check here our entire assistance process for departure from Eindhoven Airport.