Actively aiming for less noise pollution
Lower airport charges for cleaner/quieter aircrafts
Eindhoven Airport collaborates with its partners to make the airport/aviation more sustainable. For example, the airport charges are lower for airlines flying with cleaner/quieter aircrafts. For more information, watch the video (in Dutch).
Freezing the number of flights, flight ban for scheduled flights after 23.00, smaller noise contour
As was already the case in 2020 and 2021, the 2022 permit states that the total permissible number of 41,500 flights from 2019 will remain in place for the airport. The permit also stipulates that the noise zone will be reduced to 9.39 square kilometres. This was 10.3 square kilometres.
Reducing the number of late night flights also helps to reduce noise pollution. Therefore, as agreed, no scheduled flights have taken place after 23:00 since October 2020. From 2022, a maximum of eight aircraft will be allowed to land between 23:00 and 00:00 without a so-called extension if they are delayed for any reason. No more than two aircraft may land between 23.30 and 00.00, with a maximum of 50 per year.
Fleet renewal
From 2022 onwards, we will apply different tariffs which will make it cheaper for airlines with quieter, cleaner aircraft to land at our airport. In 2023, 17,5% of the flights at Eindhoven were carried out by the Airbus Neo and Boeing MAX. The advisory report assumes that by 2030 at least 60% of flights will be operated by these new types of aircraft.
This means less noise from, to and on the runway.
Together with local residents, air traffic control from Eindhoven Air Base and external advisors, adjustments were made in 2021 to the instructions for the flight routes between Steensel and Eersel, so that aircraft are able fly more easily between the town centres.
We are also investigating whether it is safe enough for aircraft to taxi to the apron with less engine power after landing, and even to switch off one engine when taxiing to the take-off position.